Tuesday, April 29, 2008

How the Power of Prevention Can Help Your Health Savings Account Grow

Health savings accounts d & 39; allow people to set aside pre-tax d & 39; money to cover future medical expenses. If & 39; n & 39; money is not withdrawn to pay medical bills, it pushes the & 39; tax as an IRA. By some measures lifestyle, HSA owners can reduce their chances of developing diseases, and may end up with a beautiful retirement account.
A majority of medical costs in this country to pay for the treatment of chronic diseases which are mostly preventable. Unfortunately, most people do not take seriously their health & 39; that after they get sick. Simply by eating well and exercise & 39;, you can avoid the & 39; health status and expenditures that affect the majority of Americans, allowing the & 39; money in your account d & 39 ; health savings continue to increase & 39; l & 39; tax free.
Only you can prevent heart disease, cancer, diabetes
Most us spend our lives stuck in our lifestyles, without any idea of power, we must exert a positive influence on our own health. And by the time we are in our 40 for most of us are & 39; on at least one medication regularly. At a time when we are in our 60 plus 85% of all Americans have at least a degenerative disease. And when we are in our 70 & 39; s, we dead.
But indeed, a majority of people suffer from diseases of & 39; age because they are almost totally preventable.
-Cancer: Researchers at the & 39; National Cancer Institute estimate that 80-95% of all cancer cases are due to & 39; environment and lifestyle causes, and are therefore preventable. Diet May be involved in at least half of all cancers, and one third of all cancers are related to dementia-obesity.
: Mark Houston, MD, medical director d & 39; hypertension and Vascular Biology Institute Saint Thomas Hospital and Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, estimated that 95% of all dementias are preventable with a lifestyle-approach.
heart disease: Numerous studies indicate that 90% - 99% of all diseases Heart May be preventable.
Diabetes: L & 39; one of the most renowned health researchers, L & 39; Harvard University Walter Willet, said that 92% of type-2 diabetes is preventable.
How the very Eat
Probably most important factor that can positively influence the health of most people is changing the way they eat. Many people, especially theories about what kind of regime is most healthy. In my opinion, the only one that really makes sense is to eat depending on how we have evolved to eat.
The idea of " Paleolithic nutrition " was first published in the New England Journal of Medicine in In a 1985 article by Dr. S. Boyd Eaton. Since then it has been popularized by Loren Cordain, Ph.D., in his book, The Paleo Diet and nutrition studied by scientists worldwide. The principle is simple: our genes determine our nutritional needs.
For more than 2.5 million & 39; years, & 39; man has evolved as hunter-gatherers, and the selective pressures of their lifestyle and l & 39; food identify genes that we have today & 39; hui. Our genetic-is wonderfully suited to optimal functioning on the foods we evolved to eat.
A mere 500 generations ago the agricultural revolution was sudden and dramatic change to our diet, and changes are continuing to this day. But our genes n & 39; have failed to keep pace with the change.
Today about 2 / 3 of the food we eat are those ever encountered by our hunter-gatherer ancestors. The result is the & 39; hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, cancer and a host of other ills & 39; that we should not have to suffer.
While most of us & 39; No & 39; not have access to large wild game and the nature of organic products harvested, the more closely we can imitate the foods our ancestors ate the healthier we will. So base your meals around & 39; many fruits and vegetables, and some meagre protein.
You could begin by eating the eggs and cantaloupe for breakfast. Lunch could consist of a large salad of grilled chicken. For dinner some wild salmon, asparagus and salad. Finish the meal with a big bowl of fresh blueberries.
Everyone l & 39; knows that exercise is good for them, but who wants to spend an hour of jogging every day. (Some people do, but most & 39; n have no time or desire to go out jogging for an hour every day). Qu & 39; is the work to give you the maximum d & 39; benefits for less time with intensity.
So exercise if c & 39; is correct with your doctor, go and as you do this exercise. Run wind sprints, lifting weights, and do it yourself. And do it in 30 minutes or less. Combined with healthy eating, this type of exercise & 39; obtain more results for less & 39; efforts. D & 39; You will have more muscle and lose more fat than if you go for jogs long and slow, and you& 39;ll feel great!
There are of course d & 39; other factors that affect health, including stress, sleep, the quality of & 39; air and water & 39;, and even genetics. But it & 39; is nothing you can do that will have more impact & 39; that eating a healthy diet and & 39; be active.
So be proactive, both your money and your health. Enjoy the & 39; incredible wealth tax and consolidation benefits HSA by fully funding each year. And make the right lifestyle measures to avoid preventable diseases that affect most people as they get older that & 39;. Then, in your retirement, you can enjoy good health and wealth accumulated you so rightly deserve.
By Wiley Long - President, HSA for America & 39; (http://www.health--savings -- accounts. com) - The nation leading independent d & 39; health insurance company specializing in different family coverage and who work with health savings accounts d & 39;.

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